Well, it's been a while since we've been able to post. Sorry about that. We did not have free wi-fi in our rooms, so we had to wait until tonight to buy some time to do everything all at once! Oh, and this is Scott, btw. Not Daniel. At least, not yet.
Yesterday, Sunday, was a long day. Actually they've all been busy, really. I think I'll need a vacation from my vacation. Anyway, we started out by going to Camden town. It was stinkin' huge!!! It was like, five Hawthornes all together outside, and you'll get half the size of this market. It was absolutely stinkin' busy! And I really mean stinkin'. There were some interesting pungencies drifting around down there.
After our excursion to Camden Town, we journeyed to the British Library. I know, I know. Some of you can't appreciate that, but hey, I like libraries. Aside from being an awesome and enormous building with tons and tons of books, it has a special section devoted to extremely old and valuable original documents. Some of these included the full score of Handel's original Messiah, Shakespeare's Henry IV, and the original Gutenberg Bible! It was pretty awesome and inspiring. To see these works in front of my very eyes was overwhelming. Whew . . .
After we picked our jaws up off the floor of the British Library, we trekked over to Baker Street. If you have to ask why, you better not speak to me again. Seriously! Why would anyone go to Baker Street except to see the real 221B Baker Street?!?! It was also near Madame Tussaud's -- which we have a picture of because it was way too expensive to go in!

So then we went to Harrod's. This is a place I just had to see (this is Daniel now btw, Scott was writing a book full of info....so I decided to actually do some talking). This place is one giant rip off for the filthy rich. Quite literally. Side note....Scott is eating peanut butter by the spoon full out of the jar.......straight.........is that nasty or what? I mean really!!! Ok back to Harrod's. I'll just give a few examples. The average pair of jeans cost is about two hundred pounds. Sound ridiculous? Just wait......remember that the dollar to pound ratio is ridiculous. Multiply the 200 by 1.62 to get the dollar amount. Then add on the 3% exchange rate and you get the price in dollars. So you basically pay about $330 for a pair of jeans. Now that was the average price. There were plenty of more expensive than that. These weren't even nice jeans. I could get the same for about $30 or cheaper back home. Yeah and don't get me started on their jackets. We'll just say you'd be paying around $1,000 for paper thin jackets. Anyways, this place was super awesome like that. I actually had a great time. They had cool stuff and cool designed store to keep it in. Anyways awesome place.....they even have a high class food court.....even included a crispy creams!
From there, we went to Royal Albert Hall to watch Mahler's Symphony of a Thousand. We filmed a little video to share our thoughts on that. This video's volume is not that great, so make sure your not just using laptop speakers.
Here's the outside of Royal Albert Hall.
Here's the performers. Those people on either side of the organ are not actually audience members. Those groups are the choir. Yeah......alot of people.
This was part of a huge monument.........think to that Albert dude. Yeah.....this thing was huge. This is only a small part of it.....and the detail was absolutely incredible.