We're HERE!!!! Well.......no not there. But we are here. Philly that is. Home of ol' Benny Franklin. I just bought an iced mocha and it is bloody awful. But for some reason, this airport is scorching hot, so I continue to gulp it in hopes that the airport will cool with my body temperature.
I now turn over to Scott, because he does not trust me to write what he says...........so here he be .........the one........the only............MR..............!!!!!!! nevermind.........not really climactic. Here he be....
Okay, well, after that, not sure what to say. Yes I am. After an uneventful flight from Portland to Philly -- except for a couple kids screaming off and on (more on than off, actually) and my overactive imagination imagining what would happen if a wing broke off or my little porthole broke and sucked me out -- we sit in another airport. So, yeah not much exciting, but this is merely the calm before the proverbial storm of culture shock and new experiences!!! Until we reach England, then, my friends, cheerio!
Ok.......so I'm back. yes me. I know I know.......your IQ has dropped in reading my words rather than Scott's, but the fact that you're still reading shows that you LIKE IT!
Anyways......as I write, Scott enthusiastically investigates (as he calls it) the Pirates of the Caribbean Lego video game. Yep...that's Scott. Not much more to say about that.
I think that now it's movie time. We shall write again when next we reach a new destination. By then we will have had some real experiences to write about and maybe some pictures. Ta-Ta!
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