Today....thinking......what happened to today? Scott wha'td we do? Oh right!!! St Paul's Cathedral!!! Yes! Quite the place. What can I say? Beautiful. Simply beautiful. Unfortunately, twas quite forbidden to take pictures of the inside, so there will be none to post. But I can say we climbed all the way to the top. There were 528 stairs to climb. It was a great experience. Nice little work out on our little limbs. Scott decided to be all manly and wear a backpack while doing the climb. KUDOS to him! You can give a good game butt slap when we get back. He might make me take that last sentence out.....we shall see. So here's a shot from the top of the cathedral.
From there we went to the Tower of London. This place ….is there much to say? It's big.....has lots of jewels..........and more than a few areas of torture that were put to good use. Every guys dream palace right? Shots of the jewels were forbidden
Westminster Abbey. Big, beautiful...............and a terrible place to be during the zombie apocalypse! There were plenty of dead people contained there. So many people are buried in crypts, coffins, under the floor..........everywhere we stepped we were standing on graves and had plenty more above ground to see. Pictures of the inside were forbidden.
And Big Ben...........yeah.... just as big as ever.
After Westminster, we were quite worn out. So we decided to go no further in any exploration in order to save our feet and joints. So we found an Italian place to eat and then went to the Queen's Theater to watch Les Miserables. So this was an absolutely incredible production! Almost every single actor/singer did a beyond phenomenal performance. We were both awe struck by the actor/singer who played as Val Jean. He had one of the most incredible voices live I have ever heard. He had the largest range too. He could easily hit notes that a bass would normally sing and also easily hit the highest parts that a first tenor would sing. Anyways, we were geeking out for a while.
So tomorrow we fly back home. We will be having a short lay over in Philly again, so we might sneak in a blog post there.
BTW, we both are really craving ice cream. We haven't had any here, because it's been around four or five pounds and they give you less than an American kiddy size. So yeah.........were getting some in Philly..........and then we'll be pigging out at home too. K ta ta
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